Saturday, July 28, 2007


Various activities shared among human race are science and spiritual. Examples are music, dance, cooking, education, technologies and methodologies just few to say.

Our physical body is visible and there is cosmic body imperceptible. Clairvoyant or Spiritualist Eye can see cosmic body. Since time immemorial Guru’s or Yogis and Spiritual master who have attain the stage can able to see cosmic body which not perceivable by normal human’s naked eye.

Cosmic body and physical body well synchronize in Spinal Column for a explanation to understand better. Cosmic body divided to main 7 area of energy type which also associates with major endocrine gland’s in physical body. More precisely the 7 major area are known as rotating wheel or call ‘Chakra’ in Sanskrit language. The ‘Chakra’ also known as psyche centers.

Thus those cosmic body via Chakra do produce frequency, which can be associate with 7-color the rainbow color.

In this new era with advance scientific achievement via biometrics technology devices the said cosmic body’s frequency can be capturing, measure and with computer technology it also can be visual in a very meaning formats. For example the frequency from cosmic body can viewed in the form of graphs, colors and even in pre-define text according to range of various frequencies.

The truth fact of those differences of frequency are exist the whole body emerge one and the other but those major 7 types may differ in density. All those different frequency are due to thought pattern’s, which originates continuously from human brain. Hence its dominance or rather to say its reflect the actual mental stage thus also associates with attitude and aptitude of a individual.

Specifically 2 Para- psyche center located at head which is at in between two eye brows and at the top center of the head. These two Chakra in Sanskrit language known as ‘Ajna’ and ‘Sahasrara’ or in English 3rd eye spot and crown center. 3rd eye spot associates with pituitary gland and crown center associates with pineal gland. Another remarkable spot to focus on is the heart center Chakra associate with thymus gland. Sanskrit term for Heart center is Anahatha Chakra.

The only simplest, finest yet most powerful method to do mental exercise is thru meditation. Meditation means to focus thoughts in specific center of consciousness which also known as ‘Chakra’.

Meditation in a true senses the only perfect method available is focusing thoughts at 3rd eyespot with Kundalini sensation without interrupt fixation. The said meditation only achievable after initiation by attain and experience Guru or Spiritual Master.

Pituitary & Pineal gland located in brain and it controls the entire metabolic body system. If not thru meditation which are other way available to regulate to highest perfection of both endocrine gland? In ancient time these fact are available the secretly guarded special group of people since tens of thousand year ago.

Modern science only in 1649 Rene Descartes, a French philosopher and mathematician In his view, it is the mind, not the brain, which contains a person's thoughts and desires or "soul." He also concludes that the pineal gland acting as a valve controls the flow of information to the body or mind.

In modern science in the mid-eighties or 1986 only connections between the pineal and the brain were discovered.

Why Heart Centre Meditation key for well being of humans? Upon Sperm hit Ovary and its fertilized the very first formation in the form of a dot call zygote. In the human form, the original zygote is located near the focal point of the High-Heart Chakra, which Derald termed the Genea-zero point. The embryo, and later the fetus build out all of the features of the human body from that point of origin, utilizing the blueprint contained in the genes.

Thus there is can’t be another method besides Heart Center Meditation to fine tune every finest part of entire body for well being. Eventually to transform ones self/individual back to originates become possible aim:


Innate Harmony,

Healing Presences,

Unconditional Love.

The four great attributes will flourish as great gift for individuals to realize consciously.

As meditation manages thoughts scientifically it can be measure too. Today’s modern world with state art of technology has given us a solution to technically differentiate thoughts patterns. The following are three different mind, four different thinking patterns, four different range of frequency in Hz and four-frequency name:


Thinking Type

Freq’y (Hz)



Conscious mind

Rational Thinking



Sub-Conscious mind

Creative Thinking



Compassionate Thinking



Un-Conscious mind

Transcendental Thinking



Extracted from SAC Documents

The only way to reach Delta level is via meditation. And that also only right method after Kundalini Initiation.

Every individual’s thought pattern or state of mind’s can be capturing using Aura Camera with special biometric input device. This is biometric technology to transform frequency radiates from body via computer processing into meaning information. It’s mostly available at crystal and natural stone sales shop in shopping complex. Besides using all secondary option includes wearing natural stone to assist re-structure the density and type of frequency to be generate meditation the only perfect tool ever invented to be use. Meditation will directly provide far beyond expected advantages result compare with any other secondary methods.

Kundalini Yoga Meditation is the best innovative innovation ever invented in whole universal existed history. Heart Centre Meditation is Error Free Scientific Solution for the mankind’s well being.

In life nothing same but everything are;

Whole process of life flow is Fluctuating variable except;



Which is astonishingly unique formula to even to
think or accept about the said consistent result! “Great Lesson”

By Elanggovan.

In reference of our Guru Gnanavallal Paranjothi Subramaniam’s philosophy that human life is expansion of very same origin “GOD” entity that begin eight billion years ago. Most likely, it will be many years before research can completely documented answer any of the three questions mentioned here. How Creation of Universal takes place? What you mean by soul within Human? How to clarify God or Creator’s fact? Leave alone those lets talk about DNA.

Given that DNA was not discovered until the 1950s, the research on this complicated molecule is still in its infancy, and we have much to learn.

Estimated after 50 years knowing DNA around year 2000 at 21st century modern scientist found life might come from the open cloud. Sugar drifts in the cloud hint of how building blocks of life may have reached Earth billions of years ago.

This frigid cloud is composed of molecular glycolaldehyde, a sugar that, when it reacts with other sugars or carbon molecules, can from more complex sugar called ribose, the starting point for DNA and RNA, which carry the genetic code for all living things.

Thus many scientist agree that life probably derived from a rich “Primordial soup” concocted in the warm-water puddles of early Earth, the new research fresh evidence for another popular view that life or at least some of its basic ingredients, may have flown in from interstellar space aboard a comet or asteroid.

Most comets in the solar system were formed about 4.5 Billion years ago near the planets Uranus and Neptune and were subsequently cast into deep space well beyond Pluto. They re-enter the solar system when nearby stars or large planets perturb their orbits.

Above science “big bang theory” philosophy, knowledge and facts well documented in ancient Indian civilization as early as tens of thousand’s of years ago. Hence our guru’s philosophical insights have greater and systematic points on the same.

Gnanavallal Paranjothi Mahan has already affirmed these facts as early as year 1939 in his book “I-GOD”. He written and publish the book in simple manner yet with profound philosophical & scientific insights.

Knowledge, Super consciousness Mind and Universal Truth doesn’t fall on any type of religious. Confidently I would like to say that meditation could be practice by every individual and already familiar/ recognizable by all type of folks globally.

Meditation is Greatest Science Solution for everyone in this world.

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